Three Thanks A Week

Share your gratitude, once a week in three easy bites

February 14 Power

with 5 comments

image courtesy NPR

Tahrir Square image courtesy NPR

How do you define power?  The ability to exercise authority over someone or some thing? Is a dictator powerful? has 32 entries under that single word. We have a fascination with power.

If you can push past the artificial and commercial sentiments, today we celebrate power. The power of some unseen force that ties us together, grips our minds and keeps us safe.  Love.

Today I am thankful for the power – unseen but not unnoticed – of love.

  1. for little bits of unspoken “I love you, even when you make me crazy.”
  2. for an overwhelming rush of passion.
  3. for a quiet, enduring love that fills all the spaces in the room.

Be thankful for those that you love, and love you.

Written by Grace

February 14, 2011 at 7:12 am

Posted in Uncategorized

5 Responses

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Grace McDunnough, Katherine Mancuso. Katherine Mancuso said: RT @GraceMcDunnough: February 14 Power #3thanks […]

  2. Monday has crept up on me and I’m craving chocolate!
    I’m thankful for
    – knowing what love can feel like
    – the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, a silly grin on my face and that skipped beat of my heart
    – chocolate


    February 14, 2011 at 8:22 am

  3. A Monday for sharing a smile, especially with folks who look a little out of sorts with the holiday. Meanwhile, I’m thankful for:
    – A second chance to show that love is not just a word, but a lifestyle
    – Unexpected butterflies
    – Moments of peace


    February 14, 2011 at 8:29 am

  4. “…and it is brave to love, for love is the mortal enemy of death. Love is death’s twin, born in the same moment, each fighting for mastery, and if death takes all, love would do the same. Yet it is easier to die than to love.” ~JW

    Today I am thankful
    1) for reconnection and the way it flows in like the Santa Ana winds.
    2) for the wildfires of the heart linked to a passionate mind.
    3) that I am brave and that certain love is as easy as breathing, even when it’s challenging.


    February 14, 2011 at 10:00 am

  5. hmmmmm – one day later (not as late as I sometimes am!) … I’m tickled by and grateful for ….

    1) everything I’ve read above, because they all made me smile
    2) the redefinition of Power that love brings
    3) the ability to bend and adapt and accept what is, and love it anyway.

    Bree Birke

    February 15, 2011 at 11:43 pm

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